1. Swimming In The Dreams.
Location: Ottawa – Canada
2. Relaxation At The Deck.
Location: Ottawa – Canada
3. Ever Seen Fish Swimming Up And Down A Staircase?
Location: Seoul – South Korea
4. White Wolf In The Winterland.
Location: Ottawa – Canada
5. With Midnight Moon Here, All You Need Is A Good Lullaby.
Location: 16th Avenue, San-Francisco
6. Aren’t You Tempted To Give These Magnificent Moustache A Twist?
Location: Philadelphia, USA
7. Has Somebody Passed Out On This Bar Stool Or Is This A Pose?
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
8. Come Away With Me On This Tiled Way To Heaven.
Location: 16th Avenue, San-Francisco
9. Walking Down The Stairs Is Music To My Ears.
Location: Vivid Steps Of Valparasio, Chille
10. “Why The Rush?”, That’s All He Is Thinking.
Location: Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
11. Who Is Not Going To Love This Riot Of Colors?
Location: Wuppertal, Germany
12. Soak In This Colorful Sight.
Location: Montée St-Maurice, Angers, France
13. Glad Shoes Can Be Of Some Use To Plants As Well.
Location: Santiago, Chile
14. A Perfect Lady.
Location: Morlaix, France
15. Korean Beauty.
Location: Seoul – South Korea
16. Someone Wants Something.
Location: Berlin, Germany
17. Adding Color To All The Grayness Around.
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
was this idea, to turn ordinary into extraordinary, that was behind
these spectacular stairs from all over the world. Here we have an
amalgamation of hauntingly beautiful and highly creative murals, motifs,
paintings and designs on stairs. Some are filled with vivid colors
while some depict grand, lifesize caricatures. No matter what the hue
and color, one thing is for sure that you are about to be mesmerized. So
get set and go!