How to Avoid Wrinkles?

- Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky.
- For the sagging skin under the eyes or on the throat, apply some odorless caster oil.
- Take some coconut oil and massage on the wrinkled skin.
- Eat 1 tea spoon of shredded ginger along with a few drops of honey every morning.
- Rub the core of a pineapple all over your face for sometime and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
- One of the best home remedies for wrinkles includes eggs. Apply beaten egg whites on the wrinkled skin. Let it dry and then wash off.
- Curd is also applied as a face pack to prevent wrinkles.
- Wrinkles on face: Mix 2 tea spoons of curd, half tea spoon bengal gram flour, pinch full of turmeric powder, 5 drops of lemon juice and apply this paste on face and wash after 10 minutes.
- Apply lemon juice on face and wash after few minutes. Do it regularly.
- Potato is considered as a very effective anti aging agent. To prevent your face from wrinkles wash your face daily with potato juice. It really helps to get rid of wrinkles and also gives your face the glowing touch.