Uses of Carrot

- After having your meals if remove bad odours from your mouth also you can get rid of swelling of gums.
- Carrots contain vitamin A and C.
- Cooking carrots actually raises the nutritional benefits. The fiber in carrots can trap the beta carotene, making it difficult for your body to extract.
- For crunchy carrots, place the slices into a pan of boiling water, cover and cook for 6-7 minutes or cook them until they are tender.
- Chewing an carrot helps clean the teeth and maintain healthy gums.
- Grate carrot and boil. Let it cool. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.
- Remedy for dry skin is to make paste of one cup carrot pieces. Add four tea spoon raw milk and two tea spoon honey. Apply this paste to face and wash after 20 minutes with cold water.
- Carrot juice also found effective to get rid of blemishes. Applied for 20 minutes for 15 days.
- To keep carrots fresh for longer, cut the tops off and place them in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator.
- To keep carrots fresh remove little portion of it's head.
- If you add a carrot to tomatoes while making soup, it will not only reduce the sourness but also increase the nutrient value.
- Boil whole carrots in hot water for 5 minutes and put them in cold water. This helps easily take out its skin.
- If carrots look dry soak them in salt water for 1 hour to retain their freshness.
- One may cut and keep vegetables, beans, carrots, etc previous night for an early meal next day. But put them in a bowl, not tightly packed and slip the bowl into a polythene bag, knotting the mouth loosely. This way the chopped vegetables will stay crisp and fresh till used.
- For maintaining the bright color of any vegetable don't forget to put it in ice cold water as soon as you blanch them.